The tulip is Naka Ward's official flower! (Photo: Tomoko Kamishima)

Yokohama Park & Garden

Yokohama Bay Area Parks 7

Tomoko Kamishima   - 1 мин на чтение

Yokohama Park—situated just in front of JR Kannai station—has been a place of rest and relaxation for everyone for 137 years. In 1875, a British technologist, Richard Henry Brunton designed this cozy park between the Japanese part of town and the foreign settlement. In those days, foreigners played cricket there sometimes, and soon baseball games to promote international friendship were taking place between Japanese and foreign teams. Now the park is the home ground stadium of Yokohama DeNA Bay Stars. Tulips bloom beautifully here in May, and the park's Japanese garden is colored with pink azaleas in June. An index of this series is here.

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Tomoko Kamishima

Tomoko Kamishima @tomoko.kamishima

Japan is a small island nation, but we have a huge number of surprising things to discover here. Many of these delights can be found when you step off the main street onto small side paths. I really enjoy studying about and researching various aspects of traditional Japanese culture, and then sha...