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О Оита
Фотография: Journey is bliss /

Чем заняться в Оита

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Где поесть в Оита



About Оита

Окинава Нагасаки Фукуока Сага Кумамото Кагосима Миядзаки Оита Эхимэ Коти Токусима Кагава Ямагути Хиросима Окаяма Тоттори Симанэ Хёго Киото Осака Вакаяма Нара Сига Миэ Фукуи Исикава Тояма Гифу Айти Нагано Сидзуока Ниигата Яманаси Канагава Токио Сайтама Гумма Тотиги Тиба Ибараки Фукусима Мияги Ямагата Иватэ Акита Аомори Хоккайдо
Region Kyushu
Island Kyushu
Capital Oita
Population 1,196,529
Area 6,340.61 sq. km

Though a bit far from many of Japan’s big cities, a trip to Oita Prefecture (大分県, Ōita-ken) is well worth it for the hot springs alone. Oita boasts the most onsens in Japan (over 4,500), including Beppu and Yufuin, the country’s two largest hot springs areas.

When you’re not bathing and relaxing, experience a bit of Japanese culture first-hand by visiting Usa Jingu Shrine and the unique Usuki Stone Buddhas. Hikers will enjoy the nice views from Mount Yufu and Mount Kuju, while children are in for quite an adventure at the African Safari Park and Umi-Tamago (literally “sea egg”) aquarium.

Tourists can also participate in “green tourism” and “blue tourism,” short-term homestays at farms and fishing villages respectively. Don’t forget to have some tori-ten, or chicken tempura, while you’re in Oita too. 

Around Oita
