Tottori Sand Museum


The Sand Museum first opened by the Tottori Sand Dunes, in Tottori, Japan, in 2006, displaying sand sculptures in temporary facilities. In 2012, it reopened in what is said to be the world's first permanent indoor exhibition space dedicated to sand art, with works by fifteen international sculptors. [Wikipedia]



2083-17 Fukubecho Yuyama, Tottori (Направления)

Рабочее время

9:00 - 16:00 Закрыто

Часы работы

Понедельник 9:00 - 16:00
Вторник 9:00 - 16:00
Среда 9:00 - 16:00
Четверг 9:00 - 16:00
Пятница 9:00 - 16:00
Суббота 9:00 - 18:00
Воскресенье 9:00 - 16:00
Holidays 9:00 - 16:00

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Статьи по теме

Музей песка в Тоттори

Музей песка в Тоттори

Judith Mikami

Музей, где представлены самые лучшие песчаные скульптуры. Самые лучшие скульпторы создадут темы 2012 года в первом подобном музее в мире.

Тоттори 2.1k 1


Кухня региона Санъин

Кухня региона Санъин

Niaya Harper

Эксклюзивные кулинарные изыски в регионе Санъин. Откройте для себя новые блюда в стиле Тоттори вагю!

Тоттори 2.1k 1
Tottori Sand Dunes

Tottori Sand Dunes

The Tottori Sand Dunes are the largest sand dunes in Japan and the most famous attraction in Tottori Prefecture. They extend for about 16 kilometers along the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan and are up to two kilometers wide and 50 meters high. The view over the dunes can be from the The Sakyu Center observation deck can be enjoyed via a chair lift. The dunes were formed when sand from the nearby Sendaigawa River washed into the sea and was eventually re-deposited by the ocean currents along the coast. Today, the constant movement of the tides and the coastal winds continuously shape the sand dunes, creating an ever-changing landscape. You can explore the dunes on camels as well as on horse-drawn carriages. Those who prefer something more adventurous can try paragliding or sandboarding, a variant of snowboarding. Not far away is the Sand Museum, which shows large sand sculptures by artists from all over the world. The exhibitions change annually and have various themes, typically a country or a region.

Тоттори 0.9 km от вас
Пруд Кояма

Пруд Кояма

Amanda Ho

Пруд Кояма - самый большой пруд в префектуре Тоттори. Находящийся всего в 6 км к западу от ж/д станции Тоттори и недалеко от Аэропорта песчаных дюн Тоттори и Конана, пруд Кояма прекрасно подходит для отдыха от городской суеты большого города.

Тоттори 1.6k
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